We have rice chemicals in stock at great prices!(while supplies last) Chemicals include Stam, Bolero, Regiment and more. Call today to get what you need!
ISO of a mud master trailer! If you or anyone you know is looking to sell one please contact us at our office number or Terry Gray.
Phone: (870)-249-3447
Address: 220 East Street, Delaplaine, Arkansas 72425
2019 Photos
Harvest 2019
FNG/Bottomland Farms
Pigue Farms - Paragould, Arkansas
Kenneth Bell Farms - Bell City, Missouri
Pratt Farms - Light, Arkansas
Informational Videos
Did You Know?
In 1870 47.4 percent of employed persons were engaged in agriculture. This was the first time that farmers were a minority
As harvest season really sets in, there are a few changes in the Supply and Demand report and the project yield and acreage. Beginning stock, yield, and acres all decreased which lead to a decrease of 14 million cwt in total supply of long grain rice. Exports were decreased 9 million cwt of long grain rice. The August ending stocks projection was 29 million cwt of long grain rice left, however the September report showed that there is only 24 million cwt. 20 million cwt means that we are tight, therefore the closer that we are to 20 the higher the price could be. We will know Monday if we will get to sell rice to Iraq. If we get this agreement and then couple that with the new numbers from the new supply and demand report, we could be seeing long grain rice markets reach back into the six dollar range. If you want to learn more about this then check out the USDA's Supply and Demand report (Rice - Page 14) or the September's production and yield projections (Rice - Page 8).
Quote of the Day
"Most success springs from an obstacle or failure. I became a cartoonist largely because I failed in my goal of becoming a successful executive."