Ohio Morning Temperature And Precipitation Summary
National Weather Service Cleveland OH
729 AM EST Fri Feb 7 2025
Values represent highs yesterday and lows over the last 12 hours
and precipitation over the last 24 hours ending at 7 AM EST/8 AM EDT.
M = Missing Data T = Trace
:Automated Surface Observation Systems (ASOS) Sites
: Station Max / Min / 24-HR / Snow / Snow
: Name Temp / Temp/ PCPN / Fall / Depth
AOH: Lima Allen County Apt : 35 / 25 / 0.00
DFI: Defiance Memorial Apt : 34 / 22 / 0.00
FDY: Findlay Apt : 34 / 24 / 0.00
TDZ: Toledo Executive Apt : 36 / 23 / 0.00
TOL: Toledo Express Apt : 34 / 21 / 0.00 / 0.0 / 0
CLE: Cleveland Hopkins : 36 / 24 / T / 0.0 / 0
BKL: Burke Lakefront Apt : 36 / 25 / 0.00
LPR: Lorain / Elyria Apt : 35 / 24 / 0.00
HZY: Northeast Ohio Apt : 36 / 23 / 0.00
CAK: Akron-Canton Apt : 38 / 26 / 0.01 / 0.0 / 0
AKR: Akron Fulton Apt : 39 / 26 / 0.00
BJJ: Wooster / Wayne Co Apt : 37 / 26 / 0.00
MFD: Mansfield Lahm Reg Apt : 36 / 25 / 0.00 / 0.0 / 0
YNG: Youngstown Apt : 39 / 27 / T / 0.0 / 0
LUK: Cincy Lunken Apt : 55 / 32 / 0.00
CVG: Cincy N. Kentucky : 53 / 28 / 0.00 / M / M
HAO: Hamilton : 48 / 26 / 0.00
DAY: Dayton Apt : 41 / 27 / 0.00 / M / M
MGY: Wright Bros Apt : 44 / 30 / 0.00 /
ILN: Wilmington : 46 / 30 / 0.00 /
CMH: John Glenn Apt : M / 28 / 0.00 / M / M
OSU: OSU Apt : 43 / 28 / 0.00
VTA: Newark : 42 / 30 / 0.00
MNN: Marion Apt : 38 / 26 / 0.00
LHQ: Lancaster : 44 / 29 / 0.00
ZZV: Zanesville Apt : 44 / 31 / 0.00
PHD: New Philadelphia : 41 / 31 / 0.00
These Data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality
control by the National Center for Environmental Information (NCEI).
Therefore, these data are subject to revision. Final and certified
data can be accessed at www.ncei.noaa.gov.
Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table for Indiana
National Weather Service Indianapolis IN
745 AM EST Fri Jan 31 2025
Values represent highs, lows, precipitation, and snowfall
the last 24 hours ending at 7:00 a.m. EST/8:00 a.m EDT
and snow depth at 7:00 a.m. EST/8:00 a.m. EDT.
:Indiana Temperature and Precipitation Stations
: Station Max / Min / 24-Hr / Snow / Snow
: Name Temp/ Temp/ Precip/ Fall / Depth
EVV :Evansville : 53 / 32 / 1.37 / M / M
FWA :Fort Wayne : 46 / 22 / 0.24 / M / 0
IND :Indianapolis : 46 / 29 / 0.03 / 0.0 / 0
SBN :South Bend : 48 / 25 / 0.24 / M / M
:Automated Surface Observation Stations/Unofficial Data
EYE :Eagle Creek Arpt : 47 / 25 / 0.05 / M / M
GSH :Goshen : 45 / 24 / 0.25 / M / M
LAF :Lafayette : 47 / 25 / 0.27 / M / M
MIE :Muncie : 48 / 33 / 0.10 / M / M
GEZ :Shelbyville : 46 / 28 / 0.07 / M / M
HUF :Terre Haute : 46 / 25 / 0.07 / M / M
VPZ :Valparaiso : 47 / 22 / 0.13 / M / M
:U.S. Climate Reference Network/Non-Commissioned Site/Unofficial Data
FPCI3:Oolitic 2.6 WSW : 45 / 34 / 0.32 / M / M
:Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) Stations/Unofficial Data
AID :Anderson : 43 / 39 / M / M / M
ANQ :Angola : 45 / 34 / M / M / M
GWB :Auburn : 45 / 34 / M / M / M
HLB :Batesville : 45 / 37 / M / M / M
BFR :Bedford : 46 / 37 / M / M / M
CFJ :Crawfordsville : 40 / 36 / 0.11 / M / M
EKM :Elkhart : 46 / 35 / M / M / M
UMP :Fishers : 43 / 39 / M / M / M
FKR :Frankfort : 45 / 37 / M / M / M
FRH :French Lick : 45 / 41 / M / M / M
GYY :Gary : 50 / 37 / M / M / M
GPC :Greencastle : 44 / 26 / 0.00 / M / M
HNB :Huntingburg : 53 / 28 / 0.92 / M / M
HHG :Huntington : 45 / 36 / 0.27 / M / M
OKK :Kokomo : 43 / 28 / 0.20 / M / M
PPO :LaPorte : 46 / 21 / 0.11 / M / M
GGP :Logansport : 43 / 36 / M / M / M
IMS :Madison : 46 / 37 / M / M / M
MZZ :Marion, IN AWOS : 42 / 35 / 0.24 / M / M
MGC :Michigan City : 45 / 37 / M / M / M
C65 :Plymouth : 45 / 37 / M / M / M
RZL :Rensselear : 45 / 34 / M / M / M
RID :Richmond : 37 / 32 / M / M / M
RCR :Rochester : 45 / 36 / M / M / M
ASW :Warsaw : 44 / 36 / M / M / M
DCY :Washington : 51 / 37 / M / M / M
TYQ :Zionsville : 41 / 28 / 0.06 / M / M
:Unavailable parameters are indicated by M.
:The temperature data for AWOS sites represents the highest
and lowest temperatures that were reported on the metar observations that
transmit three times an hour and may not represent the actual high or
low for that site. These sites do not measure snowfall or snow depth.
:These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality
control by NCEI. Therefore, these data are subject to revision. Final
and certified climate data can be accessed at the National Centers
for Environmental Information /NCEI/ - www.ncdc.noaa.gov.
:Effective January 31, 2025 this product will be discontinued.
The information contained in the product duplicates information
contained in other products as well as various websites.
Max/min Temperature And Precipitation Table For Southeast And
South-central Wisconsin
National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI
629 AM CST Fri Jan 31 2025
High temperatures are for the previous 24 hours ending at midnight
last night. Low temperatures are for the previous 12 hours ending at
6 AM. Precipitation and new snow are for the previous 24 hours ending
at 6 AM. Snow depth is what is on the ground as of 6 AM.
: Snow Snow
: High Low Precip Fall Depth
: Temp Temp (In.) (In.) (In.)
MKE : Milwaukee ASOS : 56 / 36 / 0.00 / 0.0 / 0
MSN : Madison ASOS : 57 / 33 / 0.00 / 0.0 / 0
FLD : Fond du Lac ASOS : 55 / 23 / 0.00 /
SBM : Sheboygan ASOS : 57 / 25 / 0.00 /
ENW : Kenosha ASOS : 55 / 41 / T /
RAC : Racine ASOS : 54 / 38 / T /
LNR : Lone Rock ASOS : 59 / 24 / 0.00 /
C35 : Reedsburg AWOS : 58 / 25 /
DLL : Baraboo/WI Dells AWOS : 57 / 28 /
UNU : Juneau AWOS : 54 / 30 /
ETB : West Bend AWOS : 54 / 28 /
MRJ : Mineral Point AWOS : 54 / 34 /
C29 : Middleton AWOS : 58 / 30 /
RYV : Watertown AWOS : 56 / 25 /
UES : Waukesha AWOS : 55 / 32 /
MWC : Milw.- Timmerman AWOS : 55 / 32 /
EFT : Monroe AWOS : 55 / 37 /
JVL : Janesville AWOS : 55 / 37 /
BUU : Burlington AWOS : 54 / 37 /
These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality
control by the National Center for Environmental Information (NCEI).
Therefore, these data are subject to revision. Final and certified
climate data can be accessed at: www.ncei.noaa.gov
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